Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 26-30

This week we will have four pages of math homework, and your spelling words. Please do not forget to fill out your reading calender, if you only have your initials I will still give out credit. Please log in you reading minutes on "road to success" our class in is last place. This week because of the Halloween party, we will have our tests on Thursday instead of Friday. Remember no masks, and they will need to take their costumes off after the parade. Math night is on Thursday, at 6:30!!

                                                                                  Thank you, Mrs.Svendsen


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Oct. 12-14

A reminder that this will be a short week, so there will be no spelling or homework sent home. You should be receiving more information about "Pumpkin Day" through email, sign up if possible.
Have a wonderful fall break!!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 5-9

Thank you to all those that attended student led conferences. It was wonderful to be able to talk to you and get to know you better, Your support makes such a big difference in your childes education. We are back to regular schedule this week. Make sure that students do their homework, it is their responsibility to bring it back on Friday. Watch your email for pumpkin day. Parents will be able to volunteer in class or by donating supplies to the event.

                                                                         Thank you, Mrs. Svendsen