Sunday, September 27, 2015

First Grade

September 28th-October1st

This week is a short week, Thursday being early out day. We will still have spelling words, and three math worksheets. You will be receiving an email about "Grandparent Day" on Tuesday at 9:40. Any family member can attend. If you have not signed up for conferences this week on Wednesday and Thursday, please do so. If you did not receive my email with the link to the sign up sheet, let me know. Please bring your child to the conferences. The book fair will be going on, so do not forget to check that out!

Make sure that you have registered for the road to success program. I sent out an email, if you did not get it please let me know, I will send you the details on how to do sign up.

I hope to see you all at the conferences!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

September 21-15

This week students will have four worksheets for math homework, spelling list, and the September calender to keep track of their reading during the week. Please make sure that if your child is struggling with spelling, that they are going over those words at home. Parents you can check your child grade in all subjects through grade book on the schools website. We go over spelling a lot in class, but some students need a little more practise. Work on ten of the spelling words a day, sometime all thirty at once is too much. If there is any concerns or questions please contact me.